Advocating For
CARIN is a multi-sector health care alliance committed to enabling consumers and their authorized caregivers to easily get, use, and share their digital health information when, where, and how they want to achieve their goals.

The CARIN Alliance
Our vision is to rapidly advance the ability for consumers and their authorized caregivers to easily get, use, and share their digital health information when, where, and how they want to achieve their goals.
We envision a future where any consumer can choose any application to retrieve both their complete health record and their complete coverage information from any provider or plan in the country.
Guiding Principles
CARIN's work is guided by the following principles:
Empower consumers and providers to partner in health care decisions at every level, wherever the consumer seeks care.
Make consumer health information easy to get, use, and share by consumers and their care teams.
Make consumer health information digital, valuable, and intuitively understood by the end user.
Use an ecosystem of innovative platforms while remaining platform agnostic.
Support industry best practices with implementing consumer-directed exchange.

Strategic Priorities
Our vision is to rapidly advance the ability for consumers and their authorized caregivers to easily get, use, and share their digital health information when, where, and how they want to achieve their goals.

We have developed a trust framework and code of conduct for consumer-directed health information exchange.

We develop Open Technical Standards for organizations to share more data with consumers with less friction.

We are working with providers and payers across the country on Technical Pilots that will implement our work for the benefit of all consumers.

We provide public comments and make recommendations to policymakers including: Congress, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC), Office of Civil Rights (OCR), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and others to help advance consumer-directed exchange.
CARIN Board & Participants
CARIN members include leading organizations in three broad categories:

Patients, Caregivers, Care Team, Consumer Advocates, Purchasers, and Others.

Providers, Health Plans and Clearinghouses, and their Business Associates.

Consumer-facing Applications, Devices, Services, Platforms, Researchers, Infrastructure Firms, Standards Organizations, Identity Providers, Certifiers and Data Exchange Networks.

Organizations directly involved in care, administration, or consumer advocacy — including providers, health systems, payers, and consumer groups.
Board members govern the Alliance and have rights to appoint Steering Committee members and set the mission, strategy, policy, and activities.
Any health care-related organization interested in participating in the Alliance and its activities.
Affiliates include health IT organizations, app makers, and technology providers.
Affiliate members participate in workgroups and other CARIN activities, but do not vote on the board.

Government observers and others invited to join without a formal membership.

Other alliances — such as standards setting organizations, technology consortia, data exchange networks or other groups — engaged in activities which are aligned with the CARIN Alliance.

Federal agencies with work relevant to CARIN Alliances activities.

CARIN Alliance is an alliance that provides open-source information to drive health care modernization on behalf of health care professionals, payers, and patients.
We work with organizations to implement digital tools that will prepare your systems process for the future landscape.
Please let us know how the CARIN Alliance can help your organization facilitate its needs. We are happy to schedule a call.